Gulff Hero 365nm/5W UV light

Gulff Hero 365nm/5W UV light

Gulff Hero 365nm/5W UV light

The GULFF Hero UV torch is a stylish, highly efficient and innovative solution for curing almost all UV adhesives in fly-tying. It is especially useful for a user that takes photos of the flies for social media.As a whole, Hero represents the very best in its field. Hero is equipped with a high quality 5W LED chip and has a wavelength of 365nm in line with other GULFF torches, which has been found to be optimal for UV adhesives. The torch has a special filter that pulls out all the fluorescent material from the target surface but does not illuminate the rest of the environment. This, for example, makes taking photos easier and takes on a completely new meaning - gorgeous fluorescent flies against a dark background. In addition, the blinding effect is minimal. Undoubtedly, Hero is a great product in terms of value for money when it comes to fulfilling even high ambitions for a UV torch.
Hero is equipped with:

WHY CHOOSE A UV FLASHLIGHT WITH A 365NM WAVELENGTH SPECIFICALLY?A 365nm wavelength UV flashlight is, in most cases, the best option, optimally suited for UV resin curing. The 395-405nm UV LED lights that are now commonly used do not provide as much light in the wavelengths that best activate the resin. The Gulff 365nm wavelength LED produces a spectrum of light that best matches the absorption spectrum of the photoinitiator that is in most UV-curable resins.The Gulff flashlights UV light appears whiter than the light of 395nm lights. This is because the human eye cannot discern UV light when the wavelength is clearly below 400nm. In this case, the light only becomes visible when it strikes a surface that reflects UV light. Experts do not recommend using inexpensive lights with uncertain wattage for resin curing. Their wattages and advertised wavelengths can vary considerably. Note that, for example, the advertised wattage in inexpensive versions is often only the maximum possible wattage. There are a number of things that affect the ability to reach this maximum, from the LED to the structure of the flashlight (or other light source) used.

Hinta 66,90 €


  • USB charging directly to the housing
  • 5W/365nm torch with filter
  • 18650 rechargeable battery
  • USB cable
  • 1-year warranty. The warranty covers the torch housing and the LED, not the battery or the cable
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